Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The End of the Line

Yep.  That's right.  I am doing something I swore I would never do.  Blog about my weight, weight loss, or lack there of.  I am excited, but nervous. Let me start at the beginning though.

September 2012. 261 lbs. My friend Kim and I decided to start a weight loss challenge. I placed 3rd with 35lbs and 17 inches lost!!!! I continued to move forward.  January 2013... -55lbs total!!!!!! I got down to 208lbs.  I was so close to being under 200!!!!! Started another weight loss challenge.  February 2013. Stopped. Have done NOTHING since.

My current weight is 224lbs. I am a little sad, I cant seem to get myself going on it.  I am DETERMINED though.  Even when I am not motivated.  I have to loose this weight!!!!!! For me, for my kids, for my life.  I have a long road ahead of me, and I hope for this to be a true documentation of that journey.  Weather people read it or not, I feel like writing it all down will some how help.

So tonight, after 4 months of doing basically nothing, I jumped on the treadmill... it wasn't so depressing!!!!!! 20 minute run with no stopping!!!! I covered 2.8km...

My ultimate goal is to be fit enough to finish the Bloomsday race with my sister-in-law next year.  I want to RUN it with her. Not walk it.  I want to prove to myself, I can.

My short term goal... hit 217.  This number stick in my head because at 217lbs I was weighed for life insurance purposes.  Because I had lost more than 10lbs in the last year, they added 25lbs on to my weight.  I will be reweighed in Feb 2014, and if I have kept it off, I get my true weight, and a decrease in my premium payment.  I am determined to keep it off.

So here I am. Work out one complete. 2 days of food journaling behind me, and day 3 as a write off other than my workout.  Be prepared for the good, the bad, and the ugly.

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